

Could the End of NDAs Help California Sexual Harassment Victims? STAND Act Suggests So

By: JML Law | April 27, 2018.
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As the #MeToo movement brought countless instances of sexual harassment across a variety of industries to the fore during recent months, lawmakers have become more aware of the need to act to tackle this highly inappropriate and unacceptable behavior. Victims of sexual harassment can be afraid to speak up, fearing that they will be subjected to retaliatory action such as termination of employment, in addition to the unwelcome sexual advances they are already forced to endure. If you have signed a non-disclosure agreement, you may find it even more difficult to act against sexual harassment in the workplace as you have, in effect, signed a legal document stating that you will not disclose any of the activities taking place within the organization.

The STAND Act, or Stand Together Against Non-Disclosures, has been proposed by a number of California lawmakers, seeking to put an end to the practice of using these documents, with a view to ensuring that perpetrators of workplace harassment can be publicly named and held accountable for their actions.

Should the legislation come into effect, plaintiffs in sexual harassment lawsuits would have more control over what information should remain confidential, and what should be disclosed.

What You Should Know About Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

There are many common myths and misconceptions about sexual harassment in workplaces across Riverside and beyond. One of the main ones is that only females can be victims of sexual harassment – in fact, around 18% of complaints made in 2014 came from male employees who had been subjected to unwelcome sexual behavior at work.

People who have been targeted by sexual harassment and related behaviors can tend to discount their experiences, minimizing the effect it has on them, and even convincing themselves that they were somehow at fault or “asking for it”. At JML Law, our Riverside sexual harassment attorneys feel strongly that this needs to stop, and would urge you to speak out should you experience any of the following while at work:

  1. Job advancements, promotions, or other benefits offered in exchange for sexual favors
  2. Senior employees or managers showing other workers sexual videos, pictures, or other content, or making sexual remarks and comments
  3. Touching or rubbing an employee inappropriately
  4. Commenting on an employee’s body, or making suggestive remarks or gestures
  5. Threatening negative consequences should an employee reject these unwelcome sexual advances

How Could a Riverside Sexual Harassment Attorney Help

When you consult with a Riverside sexual harassment attorney about the unwelcome behavior you have experienced at work, we will work tirelessly to secure a successful outcome on your behalf. This may include:

  1. Reinstatement of your position, where you have lost it due to this sexual harassment
  2. Back pay or promotion to compensate for lost wages
  3. Compensation in relation to emotional distress, both against the perpetrator of the sexual harassment and your employer, where they have failed to act to stop it

To schedule a free consultation with an outstanding Riverside sexual harassment attorney, call us today on 818-610-8800.

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