

Californians Receive More Time to Report Harassment at Work with New Bill

By: JML Law | January 24, 2018.
Californians Receive More Time to Report Harassment at Work with New Bill

Do you know how long you have to make a report after an incident of harassment or discrimination in the workplace? Under California law, you must make your report within one year of the incident, or it cannot be investigated. This is the current legal timeframe allowed by the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing, the state-run agency responsible for enforcing the laws relating to harassment and discrimination. If approved, Assembly Bill 1870 would increase the maximum allowable time before submitting a claim for three years, which the lawmakers behind the Bill believe is fairer.

Changes to California Harassment Laws

As the maximum time allowed for reporting other incidents, such as car accidents, is longer than that currently permitted for harassment claims, the team of female lawmakers who have composed Assembly Bill 1870 feel that an update is urgently needed. For example, you have up to two years to submit a claim relating to a car accident. Given the spate of workplace harassment and related lawsuits in the press now, it’s clear that victims of harassment and discrimination need extra help and support.

Assemblywomen Eloise Reyes, Laura Friedman, and Marie Waldron are part of a committee charged with reviewing and revising the Capitol’s internal sexual harassment policies, and firmly believe that “We must take proactive steps to ensure that victims are protected and that they know they are not alone. They must never feel intimidated to share their stories.” One of the reasons why the changes are needed is that many victims of harassment and discrimination aren’t aware of the deadlines, or don’t feel confident in making a claim until the year has already passed. For example, someone subjected to sexual harassment may want to secure a new job before making a complaint about their previous coworker or employer.

The support for this move is clearly illustrated by the We Said Enough campaign, where 150 women signed a letter condemning a pervasive culture of sexual and other harassment in politics. As any Los Angeles sexual harassment lawyer can confirm, the number of cases is far higher than is acceptable.

How Could a Los Angeles Sexual Harassment Lawyer Help

If you’ve experienced sexual harassment or discrimination in the workplace, making that initial complaint can be a daunting prospect. You may feel that you won’t be believed, or that coworkers and employers will tend towards believing the harasser. By working with an experienced Los Angeles sexual harassment lawyer, you can rest assured that your case is in good hands. Our attorneys will collect all relevant evidence, maximizing the financial compensation you may be received and preventing your abuser from acting in this way towards others in the workplace.

Increasing the statue of limitations from one year to three years will make it more feasible for victims to successfully submit claims, without missing the deadline due to emotional stress in the initial months following the incident.
Contact us on 818-610-8800 to arrange your free consultation, where we can discuss your Los Angeles sexual harassment or discrimination case.

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