

Los Angeles Delayed Claim Attorney

Los Angeles Delayed Claim Attorney

Getting injured on the job is no joke. Not only are there specific protocols and guidelines, but they have to be followed 100% of the time. So, not only do you have to adhere to these guidelines, but you now have to deal with healing while not working. Even though you may have some money saved, it is surprising how it does not last. Especially if you have a spouse and children who depend on not only your full functionality but also your paycheck. Just because you created a claim on time does not mean all is well. Even if you were efficient and ensured that you followed all the guidelines, your application will still be met with complications. Delayed and/or denied claims are accurate and require more help than you or your loved one calling repeatedly to check on progress.

What To Expect

If you or a loved one were injured on the job, you must tell your employer you were injured. You must also seek medical attention. While at the doctor, you must also express that this injury happened while you were at work. Some injuries result from an immediate accident, like a fall or something falling on you. However, injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome may accumulate over time. This means that there is not one specific incident. This does not mean that you are not entitled to make a claim. Instead, it may be easier for insurance companies to scrutinize why and what you are filing for.

Delayed workers’ compensation claims come from a series of situations like an incomplete filing process or the insurance companies’ belief that delaying a claim will frustrate the employee enough so that they will let go of the claim. Some call this a strategy, but we consider it bullying. Workers’ Compensation Claim Attorneys are well versed in insurance companies’ “Strategies” to delay claims from being filed completely. For example, they may ask you to see doctors other than those you have seen already. They may also ask for different documents, meaning it would cost you more money to gather those documents. If the insurance company can get you to drop the claim, they don’t have to worry about covering you. Don’t let that happen.

What To Do

The best way to combat a delayed claim is to hire an attorney. If you did not have this hindsight, it is still worth it to call 818-610-8800 or click here to contact our Workers’ Compensation Attorneys at JML Law, a Professional Law Corporation in Los Angeles. If your claim has been delayed, it does not mean it will be denied, or you are at a loss. Instead, our Workers’ Compensation Attorneys are experienced and proficient at getting settlements that satisfy the compensation needed for your injury and illness.

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Contact Our Lawyers.

Every case is unique and needs to be evaluated by our experienced lawyers. For every delayed claim in Los Angeles,

give us a call at 818-610-8800 or send us an email to schedule a free initial consultation. There is no risk to meet with us. We get paid only if we win your claim.
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