Running around while we were kids didn’t mean we had to think about the air around us and what it was doing to our bodies. Fast Forward to your 40s and that may be all that you are thinking about. The air pollutants around us affect our daily lives. For those of us with asthma, you may be more sensitive and aware of air than those of us who do not deal with asthma. 22% of adults stated that they see their asthma getting worse when they enter the workplace. Imagine working every day and having trouble breathing increase? Also, 17% of asthma in adulthood is attributed to workplace air quality. So why work somewhere with bad air? Well, no one chooses to work with bad air. Most of the time, it is an occupational hazard.
Chemical fumes and exposure lead to breathing problems even if you never had breathing problems before. Couple chemicals with smoking or with those who already have asthma, and you are looking at attaining increased breathing problems.
Most Likely Jobs That Result in Breathing Problems
Jobs that are most likely to cause breathing problems due to chemical fumes are not just medical technicians or construction workers. There are several other occupations that you may not consider when dealing with poor air quality.
- Manufacturing: Factories are giant magnets for dust, chemicals, and gases. If you are working on the floor then you are certainly exposing your self to high amounts of air pollutants. This can cause asthma or COPD, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. This means that you deal chronically with air intake, coughing, and build-up of mucus in the lungs.
- Cleaning: Your mom may not look as if she is in danger, but have you seen some of the products that she cleans with? Those who clean for a living, like janitors or maids, work with disinfectants that can cause or worsen asthma. It is good to clean in places that are well-ventilated and use safer “green” products, but if you are working, then you don’t really have a choice of what products you use.
- Educators: Working in education is a germy job. Kids are always spreading colds and viruses. But, this isn’t the contributor to breathing problems for educators. Instead, educators spend their time in buildings that are so old and unkempt that they are continuously exposed to mold or lack proper ventilation, which means poor air quality.
- Hairdressers and Nail Technicians: You may love visiting your favorite salon every month, but imagine working there every day. The number of toxins spread from hairspray or nail supplies can cause severe damage to your breathing.
Our Attorneys at JML Law, a Professional Law Corporation in Long Beach, have over 40 years of experience working with clients to ensure that they get the compensation needed. If you are suffering from breathing problems as a result of your workplace, do not hesitate to call 818-610-8800 or click here. Let us do the stressful work so you can concentrate on your health.
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Every case is unique and needs to be evaluated by our experienced lawyers. If you are suffering from breathing problems due to chemical fumes and exposure,