

Long Beach Denied Workers Compensation Claims

Long Beach Denied Workers Compensation Claims

If you suffered an injury at work then you have the right to make a claim for workers compensation through your employment insurance. These claims are taken seriously, are well documented, and aren’t always approved. Like any other business, insurance companies negotiate and look out for themselves to an extent. Their job is to ensure that you are covered from most things, but they are clever at withholding other things and are certainly stingy if you do not present a persuasive file.

When you are injured on the job there are several steps you have to take to ensure you claim gets started and is followed through. The first thing to do if you are injured on the job is to ensure you tell management in your workplace and seek medical attention immediately. Once you are seen by some medical profession you must tell them that you were injured on the job. In doing this you are making it clear that something in your workplace causes the injury or illness. This is a common reason why workers compensation claims are denied. It is because the insurance companies cannot link cause to result. So, in order to ensure that you are directly connecting the injury to the workplace is important you enforce this with your employment and your medical profession as they will be documenting as much as you need to be documenting.

Once you have notified your employment, sought treatment, and received directions on how to recover, it is important that you adhere to the recovery treatment. It is also important to take pictures and document your whole journey through the injury and recovery. The reason for this is that your employers could be watching you via a private investigator. Sometimes bad people fake injuries or illnesses and file claims that aren’t true. Because of their unfortunate behavior, good people like you who are suffering have to play by the rules extra carefully. Again, at the end of the day, insurance companies and your employers are busy looking to save their bottom line. If they can come up with any persuasive reason as to why you shouldn’t get coverage then they will be sure to bring it up and encourage the insurance company to deny your claim.

Depending on the stage of your claim, your employer or insurance company will ask you to visit an Independent Medical Exam. This third party is meant to objectively exam your injury and assess your claim, but these examiners aren’t always working honestly.

If your worker’s compensation claim is denied, it may not be your fault. Call 818-610-8800 or click here to start a conversation with our Workers Compensation Attorneys at JML Law, a Professional Law Corporation. With over 40 years of experience, we know the worker’s compensation game and we know how to win. Don’t be let down by a denial. There are ways to appeal, but you need aggressive representation to ensure that the appeal is more persuasive than the first claim.

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Contact Our Lawyers.

Every case is unique and needs to be evaluated by our experienced lawyers. If you are injured at work but your workers compensation claim has been denied,

give us a call at 818-610-8800 or send us an email to schedule a free initial consultation. There is no risk to meet with us. We get paid only if we win your claim.
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