

How Does Sexual Harassment In The Workplace Work?

By: JML Law | July 18, 2018.
How Does Sexual Harassment In The Workplace Work?

When you go to work, you expect your employer to have a safe work environment for you. This includes the physical space as well as the interactions you have with others in the office. This, however, is not always the case. Sexual harassment is far too prevalent now in the workplace. The whole thing could make you feel extremely uncomfortable or even scared to report it. It can happen to anyone and you may fear losing your job over it. You may not even recognize when someone has sexually harassed you. Sexual harassment is defined by the EEOC as “unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature.” It’s important to know that this definition isn’t all-inclusive. You must first know about the two forms of sexual harassment. You should also know what employers are required to do in terms of sexual harassment in the workplace.

Hostile Work Environment & Quid Pro Quo

Sexual harassment falls under the realm of two areas, a hostile work environment, and quid pro quo. The hostile work environment is when you are the direct target of unwelcome requests, jokes, or behavior that was directed towards you because of your gender. This type of harassment can occur repeatedly and affect your job performance. Or one case may be so significant that it impacts your job performance. In proving sexual harassment you must show that the employer is responsible. Hostile work environment could also entail “less favorable conditions of employment” because of gender. Examples of this are discrimination in regards to sick leave, promotions, or salary. Quid pro quo is a form of sexual harassment when a supervisor or higher up requests sexual favors in exchange for a promotion or employment benefits. This is one of the more common and blatant forms of sexual harassment.

What Employers Must Do

It is part of employers duty to hold a safe environment for all the workers. Employers must have policies and procedures to prevent sexual harassment in the first place. These policies must be enforced at all times and employers must inform their employees of these policies. They must have clear reporting procedures for if an employee feels that they have encountered sexual harassment in the workplace. Everyone in the workplace must be trained on what sexual harassment is as well as how to deal with it. Many companies do this through learning modules and videos. If someone feels they have been sexually harassed in the workplace, then the employer must thoroughly investigate the situation. They should do something in order to prevent it from happening again. The actions that they take must not be adverse to the victim of sexual harassment.

Sexual harassment is an issue that shouldn’t be taken lightly. It can happen to anyone anywhere. You may have even seen it as innocent. Many are victim of sexual harassment and do not even know it. You need someone who will put your mind at ease. This whole situation is scary to be in. You need someone who is experienced as sexual harassment attorney in Los Angeles and will fight for you. JML Law, A Professional Law Corporation is here to help you. Simply call them today for a free consultation at 818-610-8800 or use this contact form.

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