

Prosecutors Are Reviewing LAPD Officer Conduct During Protests

By: JML Law | September 14, 2020.
Prosecutors Are Reviewing LAPD Officer Conduct During Protests

Protests against police misconduct have raged across the country over the last few months. The protesting dramatically increased after the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis and Breonna Taylor in Kentucky, though these are only two of the many injustices that protesters have taken to the streets about. The news has covered the actions of law enforcement officials during these protests, and often, it is discovered that police officers have conducted themselves inappropriately. Now, prosecutors in Los Angeles are reviewing allegations of misconduct by four LAPD officers for their conduct during protests in early June. At JML Law, Los Angeles police misconduct attorneys want to discuss some of the current issues surrounding LAPD conduct.

Why Are Prosecutors Reviewing Lapd Police Conduct

Prosecutors in Los Angeles are reviewing various allegations of misconduct by four LAPD officers during protests that occurred in the city in early June. Additionally, the LAPD is investigating why some supervisors told police officers to take their body cameras off during the protests.

As of this writing, the Los Angeles Times reports that no charges have been filed. However, staff in L.A. County Dist. Atty. Jackie Lacey’s Justice System Integrity Division continues to review the actions taken by the four officers. They were forwarded the names of these officers by the LAPD’s internal affairs detectives.

According to an LAPD spokesperson, the four officers were involved in an arrest for an alleged curfew violation while the city was under nightly curfews during widespread protests. Each officer has now been assigned to non-field duties pending the resolution of their cases.

The Police Commission received hundreds of complaints about officer misconduct during the protests and 55 of the allegations involved excessive force. Thousands of hours of bodycam footage is currently being reviewed.

Under department policy, officers on the skirmish lines of the protest should have had their body cameras on, but many officers were in the fields for extended periods of time. This, says the LAPD, resulted in the batteries on many cameras being drained. The department policy also states that officers are to report any cameras that are not working and get a new camera before returning to the streets. Under no circumstances should officers have been told to leave their cameras in their cars during the protests, according to an LAPD spokesperson.

Call Us For A Consultation Of Your Case As Soon As Possible

If you or somebody you care about has been injured or wrongfully arrested by the police in Los Angeles, contact an attorney as soon as possible. At JML Law, we are going to investigate every aspect of your case in order to secure justice and compensation for what happened to you. We understand that these cases can become incredibly complicated, but we are dedicated to standing up for the rights of citizens in this city. When you need a Los Angeles police misconduct attorney, you can contact us for a free consultation of your case by clicking here or calling us at 818-610-8800.

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